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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Donations Gladly Accepted

Donasi (Foto: Bank Online)
I gladly accept any gift that is made to me, as this enables me to continue to offering you such awesome freebies. I am validating some from blogger templates types and of products other to enhance the blogger quality which can be very expensive and donations help me to reach my goal in continuity of this blog and keep so up to date.

Also as a added thank you to anyone that gives me a donation of $1 or higher.  I am saying thank you.

If you would to donate to me, you can do so by clicking below


Donasi di Indonesia

No. Rekening : 111.00.0686885-1
Bank : Mandiri KCP Bawan

Description: Donasi Rating: 5 Reviewer: Walman ItemReviewed: Donasi


Selamat Datang

Selamat datang di "Walman Blog", Informasi Tour De Singkarak, wisata lokal/nasional/internasional. Ragam info bermanfaat dan terbaru yang unik menarik, pusat download gratis dan lain lain, Selengkapnya tentang Saya

Sepintas Tentang Saya :

Nama saya Walman, alumni siswa SMK N 2 Lubuk Basung, Sumatera Barat, jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ). Blog sederhana ini media aplikasi menulis sebagai penyalur hobi, mempererat silaturahmi dan berbagi informasi.
